I can’t install the premium plugin

Ivory Search Forums Support I can’t install the premium plugin

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  • Author
    • #4303
      Iowa Wesleyan
      • Topics: 5
      • Replies: 6

      About 6 months ago, I had deleted the pro-version of the Ivory search. Today, I am trying to install the plugin again, I’m getting a fatal error: Fatal error: Cannot declare class Ivory_Search, because the name is already in use in /home/iwedu05/public_html/wp-content/plugins/add-search-to-menu-premium/add-search-to-menu.php on line 53

      How do I fix this?

      Please let me know if you need login information

    • #4308
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,706

      Sorry to hear about the problem you are having.

      Please make sure that you have deleted the existing free or premium version of the plugin if you are using any and then reinstall the premium plugin version.

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

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