Custom CSS not being applied: How to target tags inside the dropdown menu search

Ivory Search Forums Support Custom CSS not being applied: How to target tags inside the dropdown menu search


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    • #22814
      Dianne Volek
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 0

      I want to style the items that appear in the dropdown menu search.

      I was able to increase the icon size with .search-icon {width: 30px; top: 3px} under custom code, but it is the only CSS that worked.

      1) description font is fixed at 14px, I’d like to make it 0.95em.
      2) the line-height is 1.6em, and it looks a bit tight.
      3) The product title is 14px, I’d like 1.2em
      4) The image only has the product title next to it, I’d like to move the price below the Product title, floated left also. (Class: Meta).
      5) I’d like to make the thumbnail bigger (and currently it’s being cropped, not sure if that is fixable)
      5) I might not want to show the excerpt or description at all because they are long.

      Demo store:

      I put custom code in the CSS block, but it seems to be ignored? The “inline” style sheet has priority? Or perhaps my code is wrong.

      .is-ajax-result-description {font-size: 0.95em!important, line-height: 1.3em!important; display:none}
      .is-ajax-result-description {display:none}
      .is-title {font-size: 1.2em}

      I tried adding ivory-search as a class to search form menu item and then target THAT, but it still doesn’t give my style a priority over the existing stylesheet.

      .ivory-search .search-icon {width: 30px; top: 3px}
      .ivory-search .is-ajax-result-description {font-size: 0.9em!important, line-height: 1.3em;}
      .ivory-search .is-title {font-size: 1.6em}

      What can I do to get my custom CSS to work?

    • #22815
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,766

      I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

      Your custom CSS code is wrong and needs to be redeveloped.

      Also, to make the required changes you have to develop more custom CSS code and add it in the Custom CSS option of Ivory Search plugin settings on the path Admin Area -> Ivory Search -> Settings -> Settings

      If you are not a developer, you can consider hiring a developer to develop it. You can hire a developer from any freelance site or WordPress agency.

      You can also consider hiring me to develop it for you using the form

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

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