Custom taxonomy search

Ivory Search Forums Support Custom taxonomy search

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  • Author
    • #3474
      Robby Barnes
      • Topics: 4
      • Replies: 4

      Hi folks,

      I am having trouble optimizing Ivory Search for my site at

      There is a Search page at

      There are 2 search forms on that page, the top one being the Ivory “default search” form.

      I would like the bottom form (labeled FE Author’s name contains…) to return results based on a custom taxonomy called FE Authors. (Label: FE Authors; Name: fe_author; Public: True; Hierarchal: True.)

      The site is made up entirely of pages, not posts, and FE Authors is part of the meta for pages made from Article templates.

      For example, Karin L. Frank is the FE Author for

      by Karin L. Frank
      Fifth Estate #402, Winter 2019
      ( )

      Currently, if I put Karin L. Frank into the search form, the correct article is shown in the results, along with other articles that are not related to the author.

      I would be grateful if you could tell me the correct Ivory Search settings to use so that the form returns article titles (which are page titles) for an author’s name entered into the FE Author Search form.

      Thanks in advance for your help,


    • #3475
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,778

      I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

      Do you want to search those articles by author name and not by page content as shown in the attached screenshot?

      If not then could you please describe your question a bit more in detail by sharing the screenshots?

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

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    • #3477
      Robby Barnes
      • Topics: 4
      • Replies: 4


      Thanks for your response.

      I would like to get results related to the terms in the fe_author custom taxonomy. In the example I cited, and which you show in your screenshot, the result for Karen L. Frank is:

      There is only one article for this author, but some of our authors have multiple articles, which would be nice to present sorted ascending by title.

      Is there a way to display a drop-down list from which users could select an author (i.e. taxonomy term) rather than typing in a name? That would be ideal for my purposes.

      Best regards,


    • #3500
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,778

      The site is made up entirely of pages, not posts, and FE Authors is part of the meta for pages made from Article templates.
      I would like to get results related to the terms in the fe_author custom taxonomy.

      Is fe_author custom taxonomy or meta?

      If you are confused then just share me the screenshot of the screen where you are saving it so that I can better understand it.

      Is there a way to display a drop-down list from which users could select an author (i.e. taxonomy term) rather than typing in a name?

      Currently, the plugin does not provide this functionality but will be implemented in the future version of the plugin.

      • #10571
        • Topics: 0
        • Replies: 1

        Currently, the plugin does not provide this functionality but will be implemented in the future version of the plugin.

        Is there any progress on this feature?
        I’m having a very similar problem and this feature would help a lot.
        In the attachement pls. find an excerpt of my search form. What I want to do is: putting the Taxonomy ‘Herkunft’ in a drop down list and by selecting one of the items there getting all posts being taxonomied like this – in fact, it works more like a filter rather than a search.
        Another possibilty might be to get the chance to search for a taxonomy name (like USA) and find all posts with this taxonomy. For now, there is only the possibility to include or exclude taxonomy names.
        By the way, what you can see is my German translation of the plugin – interested in the .po and .mo files?

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      • #10577
        Ivory Search
        • Topics: 0
        • Replies: 1,778

        We didn’t implement the feature request as we didn’t get many requests for it.

        You can achieve this by developing custom code.

        If you are not a developer then you can consider hiring a developer to develop it for you. You can hire a developer from any freelance site or WordPress agency.

        You can also consider us to develop it for you using the form

    • #3501
      Robby Barnes
      • Topics: 4
      • Replies: 4

      Hello again,

      > Is fe_author custom taxonomy or meta?

      It is a custom taxonomy whose terms are referenced and linked in the loop of two page templates I use for storing articles on the site:




      The first template is used for articles that have subtitles (which appear in the Subtitle custom field). The second one is used for articles that have no subtitles.

      > If you are confused then just share me the screenshot of the screen where you are saving it so that I can better understand it.

      The custom taxonomy was made by the WP plugin Simple Taxonomy. I am attaching a screenshot of the admin panel showing settings for fe_author. I will be glad to send a screenshot from a different place if needed.

      > Currently, the plugin does not provide this [drop-down list] functionality but will be implemented in the future version of the plugin.

      I am looking forward to having the drop-down list functionality.

      Thanks again for your help.


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    • #3508
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,778

      It will be implemented in the future version of the plugin and in the meanwhile If you want to achieve it then you have to develop custom code or hire a developer to develop it.

    • #3509
      Robby Barnes
      • Topics: 4
      • Replies: 4

      Thanks again for your help. I will be glad to use the drop-down list feature when it is available.


    • #3535
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,778

      Sure, we will notify you about it.

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