Customize form font, size

Ivory Search Forums Support Customize form font, size

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  • Author
    • #2850
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 0

      Hi, please
      I’d like to show only your search box in a page

      so it has to be a bigger box

      can you provide me your css code to customize :

      change both search box and submit button with Roboto font , weight 500

      change font size in search box
      change font size in submit button

      align search box and submit button

      choose the height of the box

      choose the total lenght of the search box + submit button


    • #2858
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,766

      Hi Chris,

      I hope you are well today and thank you for your questions.

      Could you please share the page URL from your site where it is displaying so that I can help you to achieve it?

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

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