Edit theme search bar.

Ivory Search Forums Support Edit theme search bar.

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    • #5171
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 0

      Hi, how are you?

      I’m testing the free version but I can’t find how to edit my theme’s search bar CSS code. I don’t want to create a new search bar.

      My theme’s search bar only searches for products but I also need it to search for articles, and blog categories. That’s why I choose the plugin.

      How can I do that?

      Thanks already!

    • #5173
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,754

      I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

      Could you please share the page URL from your site where your theme’s search bar is displaying so that I can help you to achieve it?

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

    • #5174
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,754

      Thank you for sharing your site URL.

      I visited your website and saw your website theme has created a custom search bar therefore it is not controlled by the Ivory Search plugin.

      You can change the theme search bar functionality by developing a custom code contacting the theme author.

      If you are not a developer then you can consider hiring a developer to develop it for you. You can hire a developer from any freelance site or WordPress agency.

      You can also consider us to develop it for you using the form https://ivorysearch.com/custom-work/

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