Exporting into HTML

Ivory Search Forums Support Exporting into HTML

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  • Author
    • #17528
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 0

      We use wordpress plugin generate static to export the site out as a HTML files and the search function doesn’t work.

      Generate static by default generate the only the ivory-search.min.js and ivory-search.min.css
      suppose we change the search action=’our_website_url’ right? which files are required for it to work? so I can include them to generate

    • #17529
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,766

      I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

      The plugin doesn’t work in HTML files as it needs to access the WordPress database to make it work.

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

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