directing to a specific web address

Ivory Search Forums Support directing to a specific web address

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  • Author
    • #4476
      • Topics: 2
      • Replies: 1


      I dont want to see a list of results after searching, could you please inform if there is any option to direct a specific webpage address directly.
      And is it possible to resize the search box?

      Thank you,

      Y. Sipahi

    • #4484
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,754

      I hope you are well today and thank you for your questions.

      I dont want to see a list of results after searching, could you please inform if there is any option to direct a specific webpage address directly.

      Currently, the plugin does not provide this feature but it will be implemented in the future version of the plugin.

      And is it possible to resize the search box?

      Yes, we can resize the search box by developing custom CSS code.

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

    • #4491
      • Topics: 2
      • Replies: 1

      Thank you for your quick reply..regards.

    • #4497
      Ivory Search
      • Topics: 0
      • Replies: 1,754

      You are most welcome here 🙂

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