Translate “search” button

Ivory Search Forums Support Translate “search” button

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    • #4878
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      Hi. I have the website in three languages. How can I translate the word “search” on the button?

      I have tried Loco translate. But does not appear in the plugin or in the template. Nor in the language chains.

      I have tried searching for the .php file where the word appears, but cannot find it.

      If it cannot be translated, because it comes from a .php that cannot be translated, the idea is to change the word “search” with an icon of a magnifying glass (“fa fa-search”).

      Can you help me?

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    • #4884
      Ivory Search
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      I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

      That text seems dynamic text coming from the Search Form Customizer option as shown in the attached screenshots.

      If it is then please contact the translation plugin( that you are using on your website ) support to know how to translate it.

      If not then could you please share the page URL from your site where it is displaying so that I can help you?

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

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    • #4898
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    • #4899
      Ivory Search
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      No, there is no option to add multiple language text in the customizer that you can also see in your theme customizer.

      As said above, you have to contact the translation plugin( that you are using on your website ) support to know how to translate it.

      Your shared website is not accessible so please make sure that you have shared the correct URL and it is publicly accessible.

      Also, please tell me exactly where you want to display the magnifying glass icon.

    • #4913
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    • #4920
      Ivory Search
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      Hi. In “loco translate” they tell me that it has to be in the translation part of the plugin (but it is not there, I have checked it).

      As said above, it is a dynamic text so we can’t add it in the plugin file as we have provided an option to the users so that they can change the text.

      Just ask the plugin support how they translate the WordPress text displayed in the customizer as shown in the attached screenshot.

      Your shared website is still not accessible and displaying the error “This site can’t be reached” so please make sure that you have shared the correct URL and it is publicly accessible.

      If I can’t translate it, the text “search” in point 3 is the one I want to change for a magnifying glass. Or else by these “>>>” symbol instead of the word “search” (but for that I need to locate the plugin’s .php where it is).

      As said above, to display the search icon, you have to use Search Form Customizer and change the search form style as displayed in the second attached screenshot.

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    • #4924
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    • #4931
      Ivory Search
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      When I try to access your website then I get the page as shown in the attached screenshot.

      Please make sure that you have not restricted the website access to a particular region or only for logged in users.

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    • #4933
      • Topics: 1
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      It may be because in the server firewall policies I have the accesses for the following countries for security reasons (this is where the attacks usually come from):


      If you are one of them, I can temporarily delete it.

      You tell me.


    • #4937
      Ivory Search
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      Please temporarily remove India from the list.

    • #4939
      • Topics: 1
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      Ok, done.


    • #4943
      Ivory Search
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      I can access your website now and see the search form text.

      As requested above, have you asked the loco translate support how to translate dynamic text such as displayed in the attached screenshot?

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    • #4945
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    • #4951
      Ivory Search
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      Loco told me that the texts are taken from the plugin, the template or the WordPress, but that in none of these was the “search” that was requested from the plugin. They were not as kind as you.

      If the plugin can’t translate dynamic strings of WordPress as described above then it won’t translate the same strings of plugins so you have to use another translation plugin that does it.

      By the way, I have marked this email as private. No one will be able to see the access that I have created for you, right?

      Yes, you are right.

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