using icon rather then textbox

Ivory Search Forums Support using icon rather then textbox

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    • #1994
      Iowa Wesleyan
      • Topics: 5
      • Replies: 6

      Is it possible to have the search icon be visible without the textbox and then when they click the icon, the text box shows up below the icon?

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    • #1997
      Ivory Search
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      I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

      Yes this is possible to achieve by setting search form style to Dropdown as described in the below documentation.

      Change Menu Search Form Style

      Best regards,
      Ivory Search Support

    • #1998
      Iowa Wesleyan
      • Topics: 5
      • Replies: 6

      Thank you for responding back. I don’t think it’s working. The website is If you go there, you will see another search icon – that one is WordPress’s search function. But if I add it to the Primary menu, I see the icon, but it’s black and when I click on it, it won’t open to the text box. When I try to add it to any of the other select menus, it doesn’t show up. The options are Primary, Split menu left, split menu right, mobile menu, Header microwidget 1, header microwidget 2, or bottom menu. I am using The7 theme that I purchased on I can use the shortcode and add it to the middle section of the header, but it only shows the textbox, which takes up too much space.

    • #1999
      Ivory Search
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      That type of dropdown search form only works in the menu so could you please display it in the menu so that I can help you to change search Icon solor to white and make it work?

    • #2005
      Iowa Wesleyan
      • Topics: 5
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    • #2006
      Ivory Search
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      Yes, you can share me your site log in details privately by checking the option “Set as private reply” when replying to this topic.

    • #2008
      Iowa Wesleyan
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    • #2011
      Ivory Search
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      I logged into your shared site and confirmed the issue which seems some type of conflict issue.

      I have resolved the issue now by adding the below CSS code in the Custom CSS option of Ivory Search plugin settings on the path Ivory Search -> Settings -> Settings > form {
          display: block;
    input.assistive-text.searchsubmit {
          clip: unset;
    path {
          fill: #FFF;
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